Ecology for the lazy, or why living environmentally friendly is neither difficult nor boring
Okay, maybe just a little boring.
A lot of people think that living in an environmentally friendly way is difficult and takes too much time and effort. But this is not always the case! There are many ways to reduce your environmental footprint without sacrificing too much. In fact, by making a few small changes to your daily life, you can live more sustainably without even noticing it.
After all, most of us have our usual lives where we have to sleep, eat and work. In addition, we want to find time for our own interests, personal development, review social media accounts and meet our friends. Where else to find time for ecological life and conscious consumer choices in all of this?
It certainly depends a lot on how lazy you are. Do you belong to the group of moderately lazy people or maybe you could create a masterclass on lifehacks, thanks to which you can lie on the couch for longer? Relax, we will find a solution for everyone.
Why is it worth taking the ecological path?
Maybe you are asking yourself what is the point of changing your habits to a more ecological one. The answer does not have to be found far and is very simple. As industrial and technological development in the world, the problem of environmental pollution is also increasing. This has led to all sorts of environmental problems, ranging from global warming to air pollution. It’s no secret that the world is in trouble. We are facing an ecological crisis on an unprecedented scale and if we do not act soon, the future of our planet will be at stake. Our small actions may seem like a drop in the ocean to us, but remember that big changes start with small steps. The small steps you take can affect other people around you, and then the scale effect and small gestures multiplied by millions of people are already in effect.
- proste dbanie o planetę
We reveal ways for ecological solutions, for the stubborn ones ;)
- Reduce the temperature in your home by 1 ° C. Thanks to this change, you will reduce CO2 emissions, but also take care of your well-being. A comfortable temperature for humans in closed rooms is 18-24 degrees, although according to WHO guidelines, the optimal temperature that is good for health is 18 ° C. Check and adjust the temperature of your room.
- Use a reusable bottle and drink tap or filter water in it. This point may seem obvious to some people, but publicity is still needed. First of all, not everyone knows that tap water meets all the conditions of its suitability for consumption. Another very important issue is the amount of rubbish. Drinking water in plastic bottles produces a lot of them, and unfortunately only a small part of them is later recycled.
- Recycling of rubbish – it requires designating a place in the house for specific containers and familiarizing yourself with the segregation guidelines. It takes some effort, but after a while, sorting rubbish becomes a completely natural activity.
- Always carry your cloth shopping bag with you. Simple and fast, thanks to which you will avoid the use of many unnecessary bags.
- Veganism and vegetarianism. You have to eat, and there are many recipes for vegan and vegetarian food. You don’t need to change your entire diet overnight, try it step by step and start with one meal. Check out our article on the benefits of a vegan diet.
- Natural cleaning agents. Here we come to the rescue and make your life easier. Friendly for you and our planet, in glass packaging, with a good composition. All you need is #addyourdrop.
What is your first step?