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About us

Hi there! Släppa is people - and more precisely Ada and Pohl, tired of working in corporations, decided to take  risk to and do something that will have a positive impact on our environment. This two-person team soon expanded into new people who dream, invent, but most of all do not want to be part of a world where profit is more important than people's well-being. Our greatest asset is empathy, the pursuit of excellence and the willingness to help others. We love the world and want to get to know it, but we also want to preserve it for future generations. Today, we boldy dare large corporations and we hope that you will add a drop with us to change for the better #addyourdrop


Raised by corporations. A huge fan of traveling, books and absolutely all dogs. She dreams of a world without conflicts and wars, where everyone has a place called home. She works longer than others, but starts to realize rest also matters. She would fight all social inequalities, there’s no need inviting her to protests, because she’s one of the first to attend. Constant improvement never leaves my head. Actions first! Being patient and doing things that feel unnecessary seem like a nightmare. She boldly orders a pineapple pizza as she believes that everyone should live the way they want!


Last years spent in an advertising agency, but discovered that’s not his cup of tea. Achieving goals consistent with his system of values are the only possible way to feel satisfied.  If he believes in something, devotes himself completely to it, and if he doesn’t, it’s impossible to make him work. A pianist by education, a photographer by choice. He can take a photo, write a text, come up with brand strategies and play the piano in the evening. So it’s fair to say he probably tried everything. The best ideas come while driving a car. Sometimes it’s a movie idea, photo shooting, and sometimes it’s simply “why transport water in detergents?”. He loves useful design, good people, spending time in nature and gluten in all its forms. Driven by an idea and chocolates.


Maria means change – a change of professions, life directions and places of residence. Only the husband has been the same for several years. She gave birth to two charming and brave children who, unlike her, are small volcanoes of energy. There is certainly one more constant in her life – she has always loved water. More specifically, from the day when, at the sight of the sea, she supposedly shouted with delight: “what a great pool”. When she grows up, she wants to be a good person – because lack of empathy will wipe us out faster than any catastrophe.
At Släppa, she writes a blog on environmental issues, because shift begins with knowing that we have to change something. And we have to change a lot and quickly. Maria dreams her children will one day be able to see with their own eyes a vibrant coral reef, not just its remains.


A correct typography lover, fan of minimalist design, simple language and clear message. A slave to perfectionism. A friend of animals, mountains, volcanic stones and forests. Enthusiast of curiosities and puzzles. Inspired by Mother Nature, people and travels.

Släppa’s branding is her work! :)


He’s to laugh the hardest at his jokes, often with the only one. He’s supposed to be 33, bu is still a kid whose greatest plan in life is to be happy. Torn between saving the whole world at once and knowing it’s impossible – somewhere in the middle tries in various ways to make people’s lives a little nicer.

In Släppa, somehow he manages to contact the unreachables, shares his good energy with the rest of the team, when they start lacking it.

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